Connecting with God and with each other
Hosting both in-person and online worship services

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Nineveh Presbyterian Church. We hope that our website highlights the worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
Nineveh Presbyterian Church is called to live the love of God individually and corporately …
In regular worship that is centered on the living Christ, present through Word and Sacrament in the gathered community
In fellowship with Christ and one another
By growing in our faith through study of the Word of God
By growing in stewardship of giving our lives and our gifts to God
Through the witness of our lives to the lordship of Christ in our families, our work, our community, our nation and the world
Through serving in the world, locally and globally, in partnership with others as we care for people, proclaim the Gospel, seek justice, and work to establish the Kingdom of God.
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebration.

Services are held both in the sanctuary and online via ZOOM.
Sunday Morning service is 10:30am,
Any additional services will be posted on this site as well as on FaceBook.
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This Week's Sermon
Nineveh Presbyterian Church 5872 Winchester Road, Front Royal, VA 22630